CYCLEDELIK Cycle to work scheme list of providers.
The Cycle to Work Scheme is a UK Government tax exemption introduced as part of the Finance Act in 1999. It aims to promote healthier journeys to and from work as well as reduce air pollution. The scheme enables PAYE employees to have access to cycles and cycling equipment as a tax-free workplace benefit. It is important to note that the tax break is on the use of the bike, not ownership and only PAYE employees are eligible to take part. The majority (51%) of the use of the bike should be for commuting purposes but no records are required.

Green Commute Initiative
Green Commute Initiative is the industry-leading and award-winning Cycle to Work Scheme provider with no spend limits and no ownership fees. You can save from 28-47% (depending on your tax rate). Pay monthly through salary sacrifice with no added interest with payment periods ranging from 3 to 60 months. Get any type of cycle through GCI and help reduce congestion and pollution whilst improving your health, fitness and mental wellbeing. When more people cycle for short journeys, everyone wins.